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How In Pursuit of Science Supports Teens Seeking Science Careers

In Pursuit of Science Blogger site hosts a podcast by the same name. This site design uses the Piper and Paige theme.

In Pursuit of Science is a brand new site created for Ana, a college student. Ana and her mom reached out to see if I could build a site that Ana could use to promote her podcast. I was thrilled to help out this ambitious young woman. She is such an inspiration! She sponsors a podcast where she interviews doctors and scientists about their professions. She’s sharing what she learns on this journey over on her site.

In Pursuit of Science Site Details:

In Pursuit of Science is a Blogger website in shades of blue and green. Ana chose these colors as a tribute to her college as well as to the medical field. Her color palette is featured in the alternating colored text. Ana will be embedding the link to her podcast as well as links to books she recommends. You can find her podcast HERE.

If you are new to blogging, starting with Blogger might be the way to go. There are limitations for those who are trying to grow a business, but it’s the least expensive for beginning bloggers who are not 100% that they’re in it for the long haul. If you have questions, I’m just an email away and glad to help you make the best decision for your situation.

How In Pursuit of Science Supports Teens Seeking Science Careers

Links to other Blogger Sites like In Pursuit of Science:

If you’d like to create a similar website, contact me using the form to the right.

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